使用 Virt-builder 快速构建虚拟机镜像

虚拟生成器 是一个命令行工具,用于构建各种本地或云使用的虚拟机映像,既轻松又快速。 它还具有许多自定义图像的选项。 您可以在 VM 映像上安装新应用程序、设置主机名、设置 root 密码、在来宾 VM 首次启动时运行命令或脚本、添加或编辑磁盘映像中的文件等。 所有这些任务都可以从命令行完成,不需要 root 权限。

Virt-builder 下载干净准备的、经过数字签名的操作系统模板,因此您不必手动安装操作系统。 您所要做的就是使用 虚拟机管理器 图形用户界面或 虚拟安装 使用预定义模板立即启动虚拟机的命令行工具。 Virt-builder 为流行的 Linux 和 Unix 变体提供了最少的操作系统模板。 您当然也可以创建自己的模板。


  1. 在 Linux 上安装 Virt-builder
  2. 使用 Virt-builder 构建虚拟机镜像
    1. 列出可用的虚拟机模板
    2. 构建虚拟机镜像
    3. 设置root密码
    4. 创建用户
    5. 设置主机名
    6. 在 VM 映像上安装软件
    7. 自定义 VM 映像
    8. 缓存模板
    9. 将磁盘映像导入管理程序

在 Linux 上安装 Virt-builder

Virt-builder 是 Libguestfs 库的一部分,因此请确保已按照以下指南中的说明安装它。

  • 使用 Libguestfs 访问和修改虚拟机磁盘映像

使用 Virt-builder 构建虚拟机镜像

使用 Virt-builder 构建虚拟机镜像非常简单直接。


首先,列出可用的操作系统模板。 为此,请运行:

$ virt-builder --list


centos-6                 x86_64     CentOS 6.6 centos-7.0               x86_64     CentOS 7.0 centos-7.1               x86_64     CentOS 7.1 centos-7.2               aarch64    CentOS 7.2 (aarch64) centos-7.2               x86_64     CentOS 7.2 centos-7.3               x86_64     CentOS 7.3 centos-7.4               x86_64     CentOS 7.4 centos-7.5               x86_64     CentOS 7.5 centos-7.6               x86_64     CentOS 7.6 centos-7.7               x86_64     CentOS 7.7 centos-7.8               x86_64     CentOS 7.8 centos-8.0               x86_64     CentOS 8.0 centos-8.2               x86_64     CentOS 8.2 cirros-0.3.1             x86_64     CirrOS 0.3.1 cirros-0.3.5             x86_64     CirrOS 0.3.5 debian-10                x86_64     Debian 10 (buster) debian-6                 x86_64     Debian 6 (Squeeze) debian-7                 sparc64    Debian 7 (Wheezy) (sparc64) debian-7                 x86_64     Debian 7 (wheezy) debian-8                 x86_64     Debian 8 (jessie) debian-9                 x86_64     Debian 9 (stretch) fedora-26                aarch64    Fedora® 26 Server (aarch64) fedora-26                armv7l     Fedora® 26 Server (armv7l) fedora-26                i686       Fedora® 26 Server (i686) fedora-26                ppc64      Fedora® 26 Server (ppc64) fedora-26                ppc64le    Fedora® 26 Server (ppc64le) fedora-26                x86_64     Fedora® 26 Server fedora-27                aarch64    Fedora® 27 Server (aarch64) fedora-27                armv7l     Fedora® 27 Server (armv7l) fedora-27                i686       Fedora® 27 Server (i686) fedora-27                ppc64      Fedora® 27 Server (ppc64) fedora-27                ppc64le    Fedora® 27 Server (ppc64le) fedora-27                x86_64     Fedora® 27 Server fedora-28                i686       Fedora® 28 Server (i686) fedora-28                x86_64     Fedora® 28 Server fedora-29                aarch64    Fedora® 29 Server (aarch64) fedora-29                i686       Fedora® 29 Server (i686) fedora-29                ppc64le    Fedora® 29 Server (ppc64le) fedora-29                x86_64     Fedora® 29 Server fedora-30                aarch64    Fedora® 30 Server (aarch64) fedora-30                i686       Fedora® 30 Server (i686) fedora-30                x86_64     Fedora® 30 Server fedora-31                x86_64     Fedora® 31 Server fedora-32                x86_64     Fedora® 32 Server freebsd-11.1             x86_64     FreeBSD 11.1 scientificlinux-6        x86_64     Scientific Linux 6.5 ubuntu-10.04             x86_64     Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) ubuntu-12.04             x86_64     Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) ubuntu-14.04             x86_64     Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) ubuntu-16.04             x86_64     Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) ubuntu-18.04             x86_64     Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) fedora-18                x86_64     Fedora® 18 fedora-19                x86_64     Fedora® 19 fedora-20                x86_64     Fedora® 20 fedora-21                aarch64    Fedora® 21 Server (aarch64) fedora-21                armv7l     Fedora® 21 Server (armv7l) fedora-21                ppc64      Fedora® 21 Server (ppc64) fedora-21                ppc64le    Fedora® 21 Server (ppc64le) fedora-21                x86_64     Fedora® 21 Server fedora-22                aarch64    Fedora® 22 Server (aarch64) fedora-22                armv7l     Fedora® 22 Server (armv7l) fedora-22                i686       Fedora® 22 Server (i686) fedora-22                x86_64     Fedora® 22 Server fedora-23                aarch64    Fedora® 23 Server (aarch64) fedora-23                armv7l     Fedora® 23 Server (armv7l) fedora-23                i686       Fedora® 23 Server (i686) fedora-23                ppc64      Fedora® 23 Server (ppc64) fedora-23                ppc64le    Fedora® 23 Server (ppc64le) fedora-23                x86_64     Fedora® 23 Server fedora-24                aarch64    Fedora® 24 Server (aarch64) fedora-24                armv7l     Fedora® 24 Server (armv7l) fedora-24                i686       Fedora® 24 Server (i686) fedora-24                x86_64     Fedora® 24 Server fedora-25                aarch64    Fedora® 25 Server (aarch64) fedora-25                armv7l     Fedora® 25 Server (armv7l) fedora-25                i686       Fedora® 25 Server (i686) fedora-25                ppc64      Fedora® 25 Server (ppc64) fedora-25                ppc64le    Fedora® 25 Server (ppc64le) fedora-25                x86_64     Fedora® 25 Server opensuse-13.1            x86_64     openSUSE 13.1 opensuse-13.2            x86_64     openSUSE 13.2 opensuse-42.1            x86_64     openSUSE Leap 42.1 opensuse-tumbleweed      x86_64     openSUSE Tumbleweed

使用 Virt-builder 列出可用的虚拟机



例如,要查看 Debian 10 的安装说明,请运行:

$ virt-builder --notes debian-10


Debian 10 (buster)  This is a minimal Debian install.  This image is so very minimal that it only includes an ssh server This image does not contain SSH host keys.  To regenerate them use:      --firstboot-command "dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server"  This template was generated by a script in the libguestfs source tree:     builder/templates/make-template.ml Associated files used to prepare this template can be found in the same directory.



$ mkdir virtbuilder $ cd virtbuilder/

让我们使用命令构建 Debian 10 虚拟机:

$ virt-builder debian-10


[   4.8] Downloading: https://builder.libguestfs.org/debian-10.xz ##################################################################################### 100.0% [  83.2] Planning how to build this image [  83.2] Uncompressing [ 101.2] Opening the new disk [ 119.8] Setting a random seed virt-builder: warning: random seed could not be set for this type of guest [ 119.9] Setting passwords virt-builder: Setting random password of root to 66xW1CaIqfM8km2v [ 121.5] Finishing off                    Output file: debian-10.img                    Output size: 6.0G                  Output format: raw             Total usable space: 5.8G                     Free space: 4.9G (84%)